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You can subscribe to webhooks from your folders. Webhooks allow you to receive information following an event occurring in your URLR account.

Available events

Link clickedEvent sent each time a link in the folder is clicked on

Format of a request

POST request to your URL set on URLR.


HeaderDescriptionExample value
dateDate sentSun, 15 Oct 2023 19:28:47 GMT
x-signatureSignature to verify the webhookfef82811b8c21eddf3202a50f069ada534bdb0263508b122d24a878d005dc26a
content-typeBody formatapplication/json


"event": "link_clicked",
"link": {
"id": "9759d03f-eaec-4ca4-a5a2-105ced01fbd8",
"code": "yBPhx",
"team": 5,
"team_id": "2c196f79-0db8-421a-9230-623c8956bdbf",
"folder": 10,
"folder_id": "469cf8aa-5d9b-4bcb-bafc-8a2576b6f504",
"country": 'null',
"region": null,
"city": null,
"system": "GNU/Linux",
"browser": "Firefox",
"isBot": false,
"referer": null,
"timestamp": 1697398126

Webhooks will be retried several times with an exponential time increment if your endpoint does not respond with an HTTP code in the range 2XX.


It is important to ensure that the webhooks you receive are sent by URLR.

To do this, you will use your secret key which you can find in the configuration of your webhooks and the value of the x-signature field in the headers.

The goal is to generate a keyed hash value from the body, using the HMAC method, and compare it with the signature received.


Encode the body in JSON and escape the slashes (/) to get a valid hmac.



function verifySignature(string $body, string $secretKey): bool {
$signature = $_SERVER['x-signature'];

$computedSignature = hash_hmac('sha256', $body, $secretKey);

return hash_equals($computedSignature, $signature);

JavaScript (Node.js)

const crypto = require('crypto');

function verifySignature(req, secretKey) {
const signature = req.headers['x-signature'];

const computedSignature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretKey)
.update(JSON.stringify(req.body).replace(/\//g, '\\/'))

return computedSignature === signature;